Friday, 26 August 2016

More Calendar art...

Please scroll further down the blog pages for more details....
Apologies if your child is missing from these photos, I had a few technical issues loading them!!!!! At least you will get the idea.

Calendar Art

Our wonderful PTA have organised once again this year, calendars, which our students have created in class, which will soon be available to order.
Room 9 have been busy creating colourful bubbles which we added to our photo, with a small quote attached ("Every child is gifted. They just unwrap their packages at different times').
Keep a look out for the order form from our PTA...
The photos attached will give you all an idea of the end result.


Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Great looking class after lunch

This year we have all been working on personal responsibility.
Looking after our belongings, tidying up after ourselves (some of us are still developing in this area!) and making sensible choices.
After morning tea we know Mrs Rinckes wants us to come into class and see us writing on our whiteboards, all focusing on our learning and after lunch, sitting quietly on
the mat ready for the roll.
We had a great start to this afternoon's activities as we were all sitting quietly on the mat ready for the roll...
Mrs Rinckes was so happy she had to take a photo!!!!!